Can we learn ‘coding’ properly with programming process to operate the robot?
Meet the real coding education, not the robot's tools.
· A product to learn the coding with 2 individual themes. · Each product has 12 coding content organized into fun scenarios. · PC (Desktop or Notebook) is required. · The coding platform uses ‘ENTRY’ by operated portal site ‘Naver’ in Korea. · Each product can be utilized independently. (Do not need to use in order)
Product Art heme → Sensor theme
Time 90Min. / Week [6momths]
Summary · Learn to code by using the coding platform ‘Entry’ on a computer. · It is easy to use and understand as it is coding by dragging the command word in block image with the mouse. · It deals with more fundamental and systematic coding, not coding for controlling robots.
Art Theme
Coding education through activities such as music, art, and physical education.
① Scenario Coding
② Making Art
③ Connecting Cable
④ Play Activitie
Sensor Theme
Coding education that meets and enjoys with characters in the computer.